Wednesday 14 September 2016

How Dental Veneers Can Help You Get Your Smile Back

If you’re embarrassed about your smile, find yourself smiling with closed lips or prefer to hide your smile behind your hand, it’s time to consider dental veneers. Veneers are thin layers—typically made of porcelain—that are inserted over the front of your teeth to improve the appearance of your smile.

Disguise Gaps, Cracks and Discolorations

Veneers offer a relatively quick fix for the dental features that cause you embarrassment. Perhaps you were born with gaps in your teeth, or perhaps you have sustained damage or discoloration to your teeth over the years. By getting dental veneers, you can conceal the tooth traits that bother you and present the world with even, white teeth when you smile.

Get Your Confidence Back

With dental veneers, you know that your smile is beautiful. If you’ve been hiding your grin for years, veneers can help you regain your confidence about smiling in public. You can flashyour pearly whites with a charming smile during job interviews, while out to lunch with friends or when you spot that cute person across the room.

The procedure to place veneers is simple and painless, and veneers last a long time with proper care. Thus, they can add long-lasting beauty to your smile without the discomfort and expense of more complicated orthodontic procedures.

If you want to beautify your smile, visit this website to learn more about dental veneers in Cary.

Dental Implant Market to Top $4.4 Billion by 2020

The global dental implants market will surpass $4.4 billion by 2020, according to analysts at Technavio, driven by 4 factors: the rise in the more

4 Ways To Teach Kids To Brush Better

Cavities are a common occurrence among young children that result in expensive trips to the dentist. Parents can help their children avoid cavities and develop lifelong habits of dental hygiene by promoting healthy dental practices at home starting in early childhood. Here are 4 techniques to help you teach your kids to brush better.

1. Be a Role Model

Parents should brush their own teeth on a regular basis, demonstrating proper techniques that children can follow. Tooth brushing can become a family activity in which everyone participates.

2. Make it Routine

Set a firm tooth brushing schedule to make it part of the daily routine that your child is less likely to forget and more likely to anticipate without complaint.

3. Make it Fun

Tooth brushing might be routine, but it doesn’t have to be boring. You can tell stories, play games or sing songs to make this activity fun.

4. Let Your Child Participate

Another way to make tooth brushing fun is to let your child pick the toothpaste or the toothbrush. Inclusion in the decision-making process as well as fun colors and characters on the toothbrush make dental hygiene more exciting.

Even if your child has healthy habits for dental hygiene, regular visits to the dentist are important, too. If you’re looking for a pediatric dentist in Apex, visit this website.

Dental Hygiene is a Family Commitment


Good dental practices start at home. Help your child keep smiling brightly by making tooth brushing an activity for the whole family. This ensures your child not only brushes his or her teeth but has fun doing so.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Why You Should Consider A Family Dentist

Ensuring your family is in good health is at the top of your list. Your loved ones matter and you want them to have the best possible care you can find. However, you know that running from one appointment to the next can be time consuming. Wouldn’t it be nice to have your family’s needs met in one place? By choosing a family dentist, you can have just that. Here are some of the benefits of choosing a family dentist.


Choosing a family dentist takes the hassle out of running to and from appointments. You can schedule all your family to be seen in one visit and cut back on missed time from work and school.

Care for all Ages

Family dentists specialize in all ages. So you don’t have to worry about finding a dentist for your child’s toddler years only to switch once they reach a cut off age.

Builds Relationships

Choosing a family dentist also builds lasting relationships. Your child will grow with their dentist and have a mutual trusting relationship. Your dentist will also become familiar with you and your family’s dental history which makes treatment easier.


When you have a family dentist, you’ll be more likely to get in if an emergency arises. Your dentist knows you and your family and because of that relationship, will be more likely to assist you in the event of a dental emergency.

These are some of the major benefits of choosing a family dentist for your needs. For more information on family dentists in Durham, visit this website.

Why Porcelain Crowns Are A Smart Choice

You may be in need of crowns and aren’t sure what option is best for you. Before you talk to your dentist, read some of the benefits of choosing porcelain for your dental crowns.

They Look Nice

Porcelain crowns look and feel like real teeth. Unlike metal alloys or other material, porcelain blends in with the rest of your teeth. When you smile, people won’t even be able to tell that your crowns are there because porcelain looks so natural.

They’re Durable

Porcelain is known for its durability. A good set of porcelain crowns can last as long as 15 years with proper care, so if you’re looking for a set of lasting, strong crowns, then porcelain is probably the best option for your needs.

They Support Other Teeth

Unlike fillings, which can weaken your teeth, porcelain is incredibly strong and will bond to your natural teeth, which can restore strength in your teeth as a result.

They're Easy to Maintain

Porcelain is easy to maintain because you treat them as you would your regular teeth. You don’t have to worry about special cleaning supplies or extra trips to the dentist. With regular flossing, brushing and fluoride habits, your crowns will last you many years.

Porcelain crowns are a great long term solution to your dental crown needs. If you’re interested in more information on porcelain crowns in Raleigh area, visit this website.

Biomaterial Fillings Repair and Regenerate Dentin

Imagine fillings that do more than plug a hole. Instead, they also could help teeth heal themselves. Such regenerative treatments may soon be possible with more

Benefits Of Regular Dental Cleanings

Staying healthy means you have to schedule regular checkups for yourself to ensure your body is in good condition. That also includes getting regular dental checkups as well. If you’re wondering why you need regular dental maintenance, here are some of the reasons why dental cleanings are important.

For Overall Health
It’s been proven that there is a correlation between your oral and overall health. Getting regular dental cleanings may lower your risk of deadly diseases like heart disease and stroke.

To Prevent Cavities
Getting regular dental cleanings also prevents cavities and other tooth decay. Your dentist will notice any issues early on and be able to advise you on how to treat them before they become problematic.

To Save Money
Regular dental cleanings saves you money down the road. Routine maintenance prevents other dental issues from arising, which could cost you thousands of dollars in extensive surgery or repairs.

For a Brighter Smile

The foods we eat and beverages we drink can stain your teeth, and a dental cleaning may help remove stains that have built up over time. You’ll be let with a brighter, healthier smile by getting routine cleanings.

Prevent Other Problems

Getting a routine cleaning can also prevent other dental issues like gum disease and tooth loss. Your dentist can work with you to create proper oral hygiene habits that prevent these problems from arising.

These are some of the benefits that regular dental cleanings provide. To learn more about dental cleanings in Chapel Hill, visit this website.

3 Signs You May Have A Cavity

Dental care is an important part of your overall health. Daily brushing and flossing will help ensure your teeth are strong and in good condition for years to come. Sometimes, however, even the best efforts cannot prevent issues from arising. Below are some ways you’ll be able to tell it’s time to visit the dentist to address problems with cavities.


Sometimes you may eat certain foods and feel no ill effects on your teeth, but if you notice that your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold beverages, it’s a good bet you have a cavity. Certain toothpastes can help alleviate the discomfort, but you should schedule a visit to the dentist to take care of the problem.

Tooth Ache

This one is pretty easy to identify. If a tooth or more than one tooth hurts when you eat or even when you’re not eating, it probably means you’ve had a cavity developing for quite a while.

Dark Spots

If when looking in the mirror you see discoloration on your teeth, it’s most likely a cavity that is causing tooth decay. A dentist should handle this problem right away.

Repairing cavities is vital, but it doesn’t have to cause you anxiety. To learn more about cavity fillings in Raleigh, click through this website.

Dental Health for the Whole Family


Getting kids to go to the dentist isn’t always easy, but it’s a must. Ensure your child grows up with a mouth full of happy, healthy teeth by taking them to your dentist for regular visits.

When A Tooth Extraction Is Beneficial

For a lot of people, even thinking about dental work can cause anxiety and stress. Fear of pain, discomfort and costs can be roadblocks to seeing the dentist. However, seeing a dental professional can sometimes be the only way to correct a serious problem. Tooth extraction is one option you can consider to handle a decayed or damaged tooth.

Costs Less Than Other Treatments

The idea of having a tooth pulled may not be cosmetically appealing, but it can be easier on the pocketbook than the alternatives. Most dentists will charge as little as $100 to pull a tooth. Compare this with root canals, which can cost $400 at a minimum and sometimes close to $1,000 per tooth.

Solves Problems Quickly

If you have a severe toothache due to a cavity or abscess, removing the offending tooth will immediately take care of the problem. Your dentist can extract the tooth quickly and eliminate the pain you’ve been experiencing.

Drains Pus

The best way to relieve pus that comes from severe teeth problems is to have the tooth pulled. This is a much less invasive process than having a root canal or crown.

Consider tooth extraction as an option to care for your decayed tooth. To learn more about teeth extractions in Apex, click through this website.

Reasons To Seek Out A Dentist Who Works After Regular Hours

If you already have a dentist, the odds are that you haven’t given much thought towards looking for another one. As this type of search can be a bit stressful, it’s completely understandable. However, if your dentist doesn’t happen to offer after-hours services, you should really find one that does. There are several reasons why you should conduct this search, including:

  • In the event that an accident occurs and you or a family member lose or break a tooth, it’s possible to save it, but only if the process is performed immediately. If this happens after hours, you may be out of luck with a traditional dentist.
  • Sometimes, a busy work schedule can interfere with making checkup or cleaning appointments. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that tooth decay is put on hold. After-hours dentists give you greater scheduling options.
  • Tooth pain can take hold with little or no warning. When you have a dentist that promises after-hours care, you no long need to suffer until morning to get the pain checked out, but can instead seek solutions and relief right away.

These are just a few of the reasons why having a dentist that has little or no time restraints on their business is a big plus for you and your family. To learn more about getting an after hours dentist in Durham, visit this website.

Coalition Praises Proposed Rule on Dental Tax Credits

The US Treasury Department has proposed a rule clarifying the inclusion of subsidies for pediatric dental benefits purchased in the federal and state more

3 Ways To Know It’s Time To Fix Those Dentures

The use of dentures has long been an effective way to allow patients with missing or severely damaged teeth to once again properly chew their food and to regain their missing smile. Of course, even the best dentures can eventually have problems. Paying careful attention to the state of your dentures can save you time, money and pain.

Chips and Cracks

Just like teeth, dentures are susceptible to chipping and breaking. If you’ve recently bitten down on something hard such as a popcorn kernel or hard candy, examine your dentures carefully. If you see a chip or crack, see your dentist immediately to address the problem.

Problems With the Base

If the base of your dentures has become cracked, you should seek dental attention right away. A problem such as this will only get worse over time. Bases can crack when eating hard food.

You’ve Tried Fixing Them Yourself

If you’ve noticed problems with your dentures, you may have tried repairing them yourself. Dentists highly recommend not doing this but to instead seek professional assistance. If you’ve ever attempting repairing your dentures on your own, you may have damaged them further.

Your dentures are delicate and should be handled and treated with care. To learn more about denture repair in Apex, look through this website.